Graduation Party- Kids Buffet

Graduation Party-Kids Buffet


My favorite thing at the graduation party was that we had  an area in our yard designated as the kids zone with the kids tables, a teepee, crayons, paper, and a clothes line to hang the pictures they drew and best of all-A KIDS BUFFET!  What little kid would choose to have a pulled pork sandwich over dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets?  The kids buffet also had assorted juice boxes, veggie cups with ranch in the bottom, and of course any kids buffet wouldn't be complete without ketchup.  When decorating the kids buffet table I kept with our retro travel and adventure theme with a small globe, retro toy camera, and tiny wagon.  


Why are kids more likely to eat their veggies when they are displayed in a darling red wagon, in their own little yellow cup, with a spoonful of ranch?  I can't explain it, but it's a fact.


To see what the biggest hit of our graduation party was click on the link below.   Here's a hint...How can you go wrong when your guests can roast their very own marshmallows?